Join Us

Join us and sign up to be a part of our global efforts and activities to prevent cleft lip and palate!
Everybody counts!We need to work together and form a strong force to succeed in prevention of cleft lip and palate anomalies.
There is no cost to you to join and no specific requirement is needed. We welcome everybody regardless of
profession, country, religion, etc.

  • We will provide you continuously with new knowledge and discoveries about causes of cleft lip and palate
  • You will be informed about activities of our Cleft Prevention International Foundation
  • We will welcome your recommendations and suggestions
  • If you would like to offer your skills, time, and experience you will have many opportunities to help with short
    term or long-term specific tasks and activities

Join CPIF Now


Learn more about cleft lip and palate and prevention from leading scientists in the field.

How to Donate

There are many ways you can support our mission toward prevention of cleft lip and palate.

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved – financially, by skills, resources, volunteering, and more.